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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Week 2 - Terry & Melissa Bone -Family Blessing

This was a good time of learning how the absence of your family's blessing can effect your life. The things that happens, especially when you are very young can color the rest of your life. Things like being born out of wedlock can lead to feelings of rejections and feeling unwanted. The good news is that we all can recover our family blessing in Christ. God can give us His approval in place of rejection. That is my favorite part, receiving from our daddy God the opposite of what we had received from our family if negative. This quote sums up that issue. "There is illegitimate sex but no such thing as an illegitimate child." - Terry Bone

The Holy Spirit showed me that there was untapped blessing. Especially on my dad's side of the family. The blessing was summed up in this statement, we are called to be a family that makes an impact on history. My great grandfather was part of a world changing war, World War II, but he died in a sub-marine in service of Great Britain. I am tempted to ask what would of been if he had not died. It's even interesting how I look like he looked. I felt the God was leading me to discover more about my family in England and call those blessings into my present.


  1. Hey Bro, just wanted to let you know I really enjoyed reading this. Keep up the posts, I love hearing about what you've been learning and experiencing up there. Love you!

  2. Thanks Bethany, I am so glad someone is reading them. It means a lot.
