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Thursday, November 24, 2011

George & Laurie Hull - RTF - Unforgettable Week revisited

This was a rather intense time of receiving deliverance and freedom. It really stirred up a lot of memories and brought some internal pain to the surface. I am so glad Jesus met me in those painful memories and showed me where he was and what he was doing when these events in my life were happening.
Some of the topics we covered were the forgiveness cross (vertical and horizontal), soul/spirit hurts, ungodly soul ties, deliverance, and replacing unGodly beliefs with Godly beliefs. What was amazing to me was that while listening to Laurie and George God was already speaking into my spirit Godly beliefs that I could receive in the place of the lies I had believed.
Forgiveness is such a powerfully freeing act both for the forgiver and the forgivee. It is the act of releasing others from the court room of your heart where you have past sentence upon them. It is letting go of the expectation of payment being owed to you. It is not denial of the hurt done to you or the injustice of what has happened, but the realization that you are not the judge of the universe and you have no right to hammer the gavel in your self-made court-room.
True heart forgiveness for me has been a process. When I think of certain people I am still surprised of the emotions that come up. Anger, lies, images played back in my mind some times pop up. Each time this happens I am learning to make it an opportunity for relationship with the Holy Spirit. Gradually I have noticed my heart becoming new. A lot of this has to do with perspective. If you focus on faults you will inevitability develop faulty thinking. If you make it a discipline to look for what is right, noble, gracious, and honorable in others you are giving a wide open invitation to the thoughts of God.
After renouncing and breaking agreement with lies, evil spirits, and my own personal sins, generational pre-dispositions to certain areas of sin, I was able to than break some ungodly soul ties and break free from demonic influence.
Forgiveness does not work in only one direction it is three directional. First receive forgiveness from God after confessing to him, then forgive yourself, and forgive the other person.
This was a great time of sharpening some of the tools I already had in my spiritual toolbox. I am so glad this couple came and invested over an hour with each one of us in personal ministry sessions. I will never forget the things Jesus showed to me and spoke to me in my session. Because of this time I am a much more whole and healthy human being.

If you have any questions I have provided a place for comments below.

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